Saturday, November 14, 2020

44 Kilometres. Arrival (In Case You Missed It)


 For those of you who don't know:

My truck is a DAF LF45 FA. (I have yet to discover a definitive answer to the Question: What does LF stand for? But confidently state "Light Freight.))

Referred to variously as M'truck, The Motor, That Rattling piece of Cr*p, and J.J. depending entirely on my mood.

Over the last decade (out of a 35 year career,) I've driven a few of this model, and this one is the best so far, although, I'd likely sell my soul (if I had one) for a bit more room in the cab.

She was delivered with 44 km on the clock, and sat On Yard for a couple of days, taking up space. Since then she's done a little more than her fair share, but things will settle down when she's joined by her sister truck in a couple of weeks. This will bring the fleet up to 4 temporarily, before it reduces back to three, when my previous truck leaves the yard for the last time

Soundtrack: Arrival - Mike Oldfield

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