Thursday, December 31, 2020

10972 Kilometres: Happy New Year

That's pretty much it.

The last few hours of the year are ticking past, and many people are either celebrating already, or are preparing to party.

I am sitting here blogging, I would normally write a review of the year, but we all have had a rough time of it in 2020, and most of us will be glad to see the back of it.

There have been too many losses this year, and so few gains.

For my own particular reasons, I will be glad to leave the old year behind, but I am a realist, and don't expect much to change in the coming year. Yet there are things I hope for, I hope to have a new home, I hope that home is with my man, and I hope we can be happy there. If I achieve this much, I will declare it a good year.

So, 2020, prepare to die. You will not be missed.

2021 awaits us.

It is my sincere wish that everyone has a better time of it. Stay safe, and keep on truckin'

Soundtrack: Happy New Year - ABBA

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