Sunday, February 21, 2021

18,183 Kilometres: It Could Be Anywhere...

The sunrises over a field, there is a fine mist, which diffuses the light
A Sunrise Somewhere in England 

It has been a while since I posted, but we live in the Covid Era, so I've not been upto much.
Through the week I work, and weekends are spent racing around after other people.
A time will come when I can relax, and reflect, but I'm not sure when that will be.

Anyway, here's an observation that's been troubling me for some little while: I  cover a lot of miles to go nowhere. 
I am a truck driver, on Monday I will leave the yard early, during the week I'll be in and out, and on Friday I'll park the truck up for the weekend. 
I will have driven as many miles as some people would take a month or more to do, and I will have been pretty much nowhere.
It is, of course, purely a problem of philosophy. 
To say I've been nowhere is obviously fallacious, in the physical sense, but in another,  very real sense I haven't. 
I have not arrived somewhere, and made any lasting difference, nor has that place made any promise to me, for better or worse.
No plaque saying "Lynda delivered here" adorns any wall, to the people I'm just another driver bringing stuff they'll have to move about.
I have seen many beautiful places, I've seen raging storms, I've seen 14 foot snowdrifts, and incredible sunrises. I've seen the first Snowdrops of Spring, and the last golden leaves drop from the trees as Winter chills the air.
But, on the Friday after the Monday, I will put my truck back in exactly the place I got it from 5 days earlier, having covered many miles, and been nowhere.

Soundtrack: Rotterdam (or Anywhere) -The Beautiful South 

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