Sunday, December 13, 2020

9657 kilometres: One More Robot


A T-800 Hunter/Killer from The Terminator
("It absolutely will not stop")

"Alexa, create a blog entry."

I took the plunge, and ordered some Smart devices.

It wasn't really on my agenda, but when Amazon Music gave me access to Alexa, and she found music for me that I had forgotten about, and even some I'd not known about, but discovered I liked, I began to think about other ways she could help me.

Now, like any sensible person, I do have security concerns. I'm aware of how much I use the Internet, and the amount of stuff that already lives on various devices, and in The Cloud. I know that Smart stuff can provide an Access Point to a local network, but it's already the 21st Century, and I take precautions. 

I'm enjoying the novelty value of turning on the lights before I get home, as a test I went across the road, and asked for the lights to be turned on, and then giggled when it happened, figuring that range wasn't an issue, I went to put fuel in the car, and put the lights on from there, suspicion confirmed. I'm a simple girl, with simple needs, so this, to me, is that technology which is so advanced that it is indistinguishable from magic.

I have watched and read a lot of Sci-fi, and there are as many different ways the future could look, as there are plots in these books, and films, and while it often looks like it might turn out like "THX 1138" or "Minority Report," I prefer to think our future will turn out more like "Star Trek," than "Star Wars," In any event, being closer to death than birth, I'm unlikely to end up on a list in the office of the Thought Police, or running from some robot intent on putting me to work on the Meat Farm, or worse.

Instead, the Great Omniputor, will likely let me live out my days in relative peace until, at last it decides I've been around long enough, withdraws my life support, and sings quietly to me as I pass peacefully away, and begin the process of entropy. 

Soundtrack: One More Robot - The Flaming Lips

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