Saturday, June 1, 2024

A (Not) New Truck

The Old Lady

I asked the boss to stop sending me on overnight runs, and astonishingly, he did. There was a caveat that there may be occasions when it would be unavoidable, and I agreed that in such circumstances I would be ok with that.

A couple of months went by, and one of the trucks still doing regular nights out developed an issue, it is, by 5 years, the oldest of the trucks. I was asked if I would trade vehicles, as mine was newer, and less likely to have problems. I agreed to the swap, on the proviso that I get mine back, at renewal time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't get broken in the meanwhile.

18 months have passed since the handover, and I'm still driving "The Old Lady," she has the occasional minor issue, but with very nearly 500,000 kilometres on the clock, and the work we make them do, is no surprise.

There is still no date for renewal, but that's fine. The truck, and I just keep going, we both take a little more nurturing these days, it's a function of age. We're just two old girls trucking into our respective sunsets.


As a postscript:

I've stopped using the xxxxx km format in the titles, because of the truck swap, and the (hopefully) imminent arrival of a new vehicle.

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